
Warsaw - Kozminski University, Poland

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Warsaw - Kozminski University, Poland
Warsaw - Kozminski University, Poland

Page | Kozminski University

Kozminski University. Accreditations and certificates. Kozminski University in rankings. About Kozminski University. Science and Research. Kozminski University Decalogue. Shaping an Entrepreneurial Mindset. Striving for Excellence. Local and Regional Orientation. Social Responsibility. Orientation on Ethics.

Our MBA Program is top-rated<br/ >In the \"Financial Times” ranking

Learn more about our scholarship opportunities.<br/ >International students also available!

#1 Business School in Poland, CEE Region (\"Financial Times\").

Managers and business leaders are educated by us. We provide the necessary practical and extensive background to help them pursue their career. They will be able to think creatively, independently, understand the current world and act with respect for ethical principles.

Kozminski University, an international knowledge center and research institution, conducts studies in management, finance and economics as well as other related areas.

We are involved in several initiatives that promote science. These include e.g. Organization of all-Poland and international conferences, regular seminars and publishing.

Kozminski University, the place where all business starts. To help our community realize its creative potential, we work with many institutions and companies from Poland and around the globe. As part of cross-sectoral collaboration, we design and organize tailored development programs.