

From May 24, 2022 until May 25, 2022
Jyväskylä - Jyvaskyla Pavilion, Central Finland, Finland
(Please double-check the dates and location on the official site below before attending.)
Categories: Health and Wellness

TerveSos 2022 ohjelma - TerveSos

TerveSos 2022 ohjelma. Tervetuloa 1. seminaaripaivaan 24.5. Avajaiset: Muutoksen megatrendit: Jyrki Katainen, Sitra. Suunnaksi kestava hyvinvointi. Palvelua ikaihmiselle, digia, yhteistyota ja uusia avauksia. Lounas ja tauko-ohjelmaa. Hyvinvointialueiden rahoitus. Haluatko perhekeskusvisionaariksi? Kahvi ja nayttelyohjelmaa. Tietojohtaminen on edellytys sote-palveluissa. Ensihoito osana kehittyvaa palvelujarjestelmaa.

How can we achieve sustainable well-being within municipalities and other welfare areas?

The Future Health and Social Services Centre program is a result of the regional work.

New funding model: Need-based funding for welfare areas.

Family centres and meeting spaces to support families and young people in reforming health and social services.

Promotion of effectiveness through information management and practical information management experience.

Why is emergency care integral to the rest of our service system?

What is the suction? What resources are available for social and health services to support the suctioning of work? How can people increase the meaning of their work through instigating change in their own work? How can a supervisor or manager increase the work-related suction with human-driven and serving leadership?

Hits: 1845

Register for tickets or booths

Please register at the official website of TerveSos

Venue Map and Hotels Around

Jyväskylä - Jyvaskyla Pavilion, Central Finland, Finland Jyväskylä - Jyvaskyla Pavilion, Central Finland, Finland


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