

From July 20, 2024 until July 23, 2024
Florentzia - Fortezza da Basso, Toscana, Italia
(Mesedez, egiaztatu beheko gune ofizialean datak eta kokalekuak joan aurretik.)

Maredamare 2024 - 20.21.22 2024ko uztailak - Hondartzako jantzien nazioarteko azoka

SS2025 bilduma eskuragarri dago orain. Hondartza azpiko aldizkaria.

20ko uztailaren 22tik 2024ra egingo da Europako Hondartzako jantzien Nazioarteko XVII.

2025ko udan 200 marka baino gehiago izango dira euren bildumak aurkeztuko dituztenak.

Florentzian dago sektore honetako markarik onenak.

In the last few years, the commitment shown to become an international event led to the vertical growth of some of the biggest brands in beachwear, swimwear kaftans and accessories. Also, the space of 11.000 sqm has been used to display the best underwear, homewear, and accessories. The trade Fair displays 200 brands in each edition, all from the high-end and mid-range segment. It is the only Italian Salon that focuses on beachwear in Europe.

The trade fair Maredamare is now recognized as an international event and has established its unique identity as the only Italian fair for beachwear, underwear and accessories. Today, the fair is the place where the best buyers meet the best companies. It is only through the Fair, the first of its kind in Europe, and one of the largest in the world that companies can reach the top international buyers while also being present on the Italian market.

We believe that fairs need to find a balance between being contemporary and forward-looking, above any marketing tool. Underbeach, the only fashion event organizer to achieve the ISO 20121 certificate that ensures a virtuous attitude in all areas of the exhibition.

Hits: 7196

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Mesedez, eman izena MAREDAMAREren webgune ofizialean

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Florentzia - Fortezza da Basso, Toscana, Italia Florentzia - Fortezza da Basso, Toscana, Italia


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Izen-ematearen kostua ere jakin nahiko nuke postu bat erreserbatzen badugu zenbat balio duen?
Ba al dago Florentziako uztaileko azokan sartzeko

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