

From February 25, 2025 until February 25, 2025
伦敦 - 奥林匹亚伦敦,英格兰,英国
分类: 教育服务
标签: 别墅

内部招聘博览会| 全国内部招聘专业人员展览会

Why visit the In-House Recruitment Expo. Event Information. Sponsors and Partners.

If you are part of a  sourcing or resourcing  In- House Team - IHRE is a must attend event for you.

The In-House Recruitment Expo is specifically designed to connect industry suppliers with their core target audience - all in one place.

The In-House Recruitment Expo is designed for In-House Recruitment Leaders and teams responsible for sourcing and recruiting candidates within Corporate and SME businesses.

In-House recruitment could be viewed as the best-placed function to deliver recruitment that matches a business’s strategic goals and marketing strategy to budget, while also giving potential employees the best candidate experience.

The In-House Recruitment Expo aims to provide a national platform for In-House teams to network with their peers, understand best practice and learn about new products and services which will help them find the best candidates and achieve organisational objectives.

Simply register today and book your Free ticket here.

In House Recruitment Expo attracts visitors from top UK and global companies including:.



请在In House Recruitment Expo官网报名


伦敦 - 奥林匹亚伦敦,英格兰,英国 伦敦 - 奥林匹亚伦敦,英格兰,英国


您好,我是 Joe Jerome,是 BeyondAutism 的人力资源实习生。 我们的组织有一个研究生项目,我想知道我们是否可以加入来推广这个项目? 任何有关该事件的进一步信息将不胜感激。 非常感谢 - 乔

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