
L-Ohio Eggfest 2024

L-Ohio Eggfest
From July 27, 2024 until July 27, 2024
Columbus - Fortress Obetz Stadium, Ohio, USA
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)

L-Ohio Eggfest - Big Green Egg Festival - Columbus, Ohio

Ingħaqad magħna għall-Ohio Eggfest 2024. Is-27 ta’ Lulju fil-Fortizza Obetz. Id-dħul kollu jmur għar-riċerka tal-kanċer! X'inhu "L-Ohio Eggfest"? Ingħaqad magħna fl-2024 Ohio Eggfest. Demo Big Green Eggs bi Discount. Segwina fuq il-paġna ta' Facebook tagħna! Segwina fuq Instagram!

Central Ohio's fundraising event, celebrating family, food, and the Big Green Egg. This is a competition for grilling, cooking, smoking and barbecue using the Big Green Egg. This is basically one huge food festival. All proceeds go to cancer research.

Il-biljett tal-Ohio Eggfest jinkludi kampjuni tal-ikel minn aktar minn 30 tim tal-kok. M'hemmx għalfejn tagħżel, tista' tipprovahom kollha. L-avveniment jinkludi wkoll wirjiet tat-tisjir u mużika live. Bejjiegħa lokali, xorb, attivitajiet għat-tfal, u aktar se jkunu disponibbli.

Cook teams from around the world gather to demonstrate their cooking skills on the Big Green Egg. The cook team that wins the Popular Vote Award will have bragging rights; the cook teams who win the Very Prestigious Award will be able to claim legendary status. You become a judge when you attend The Ohio Eggfest! You vote for your favorite team after you have tried all the dishes! You want to cook with our team instead? Register a cookteam here >>The Ohio Eggfest offers a unique opportunity to buy a Big Green Egg that has been used once and at a discounted price. This will help to support cancer research as well as the community who graciously hosts the 10th Annual Ohio Eggfest. The Ohio Eggfest donates 100% of profits from EVERY Egg sold and 100% of donations, beverages, and ticket sales to cancer research, prevention, and treatment through The Buckeye Cruise & The James Cancer Research Hospital. The Ohio Eggfest has raised over $400,000 in cancer research!

Viżti: 1446

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Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Columbus - Fortress Obetz Stadium, Ohio, USA Columbus - Fortress Obetz Stadium, Ohio, USA


800 Karattri xellug