
Amstelveen - Emergohal, Netherlands

Venue Address: Emergohal, Netherlands - (Show Map)
Amstelveen - Emergohal, Netherlands
Amstelveen - Emergohal, Netherlands

How to get to Emergohal in Amstelveen by Bus, Train, Metro or Ferry?

How to get to Emergohal in Amstelveen by Bus, Train, Metro or Ferry? See Emergohal, Amstelveen, on the map. Directions to Emergohal (Amstelveen) with public transportation. How to get to Emergohal by Bus? From Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AMS), Haarlemmermeer. From Escape, Amsterdam. From Vondelpark, Amsterdam.

The following transit lines have routes that pass near Emergohal.

To view step-by-step directions, maps, arrival times and up-to date time schedules for the Bus route click on it.

A 14-minute walk will take you to the nearest light rail station in Amstelveen, Emergohal.

The Ouderkerkerlaan Station is the closest to Emergohal in Amstelveen.

A 9-minute walk will take you to the nearest bus stop in Amstelveen, Emergohal.

The nearest Amstelveen Watercirkel stop to Emergohal is in Amstelveen.

The 25 is the first Light Rail to go to Emergohal in Amstelveen. It stops at 5:43 AM.

The 25 is the last Light Rail to go to Emergohal in Amstelveen. It stops at 12:47 AM.

The 199 is Amstelveen's first bus that takes you to Emergohal. It stops at 4:48 AM.

The last Bus to Amstelveen is the 356. It stops at 12:30 AM.

A bus fare to Emergohal is approximately EUR1.02 - EUR8.30.

Metro Fares to Emergohal cost between EUR1.14 and EUR3.20.

Are you looking for directions to Emergohal in Amstelveen (Netherlands)? Glimble will help you determine the best route to reach Emergohal, with step-by-step instructions from the closest public transit station.