

From September 11, 2024 until September 13, 2024
Gdańsk - Exposición e Congreso AMBEREXPO, Voivodato de Pomerania, Polonia
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POLFISH 2024 - International Fish and Food Fair - AMBEREXPO

POLFISH - International Fish and Food Fair 2024. AMBEREXPO Exhibition and Congress Center. Subscribe to our newsletter.

OLFISH, the only fish fair in Poland and the largest in Central and Eastern Europe will take place at AMBEREXPO Gdansk.

It is a fish-specific fair that has been around for over 30 years. The fair has played a major role in the industry calendar for many years and has now been expanded to cover all food products.

É unha gran oportunidade para conectarse, coñecer, consultar, educar e revisar as tendencias na industria de procesamento de alimentos e peixe. Tamén pode establecer contactos comerciais importantes para o desenvolvemento da súa empresa. A feira está aberta a propietarios e xestores de cadeas de supermercados, tendas de desconto, maioristas de alimentos e peixe, hoteis, empresas de restauración e maioristas. Cociñeiros, propietarios e xestores de restaurantes, así como responsables de tendas e hostaleiros, atoparán unha ampla oferta de produtos.

Leading Polish and foreign importers and producers of fish and seafood products, ready-to -eat fish products, and producers of fodder and breeding equipment, as well as fish transport and storage system. This year, the POLFISH trade show has expanded to include food products. Local companies are represented in large numbers. Visitors can see a variety of products that are made locallyFrom regional, eco-farms, processing plants and farming groups.

It is also a chance to learn about the latest technological innovations. There will be representatives of companies that manufacture and distribute processing equipment, packaging and catering services as well as the largest OHS brands in the world.

Hits: 2429

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Gdańsk - Exposición e Congreso AMBEREXPO, Voivodato de Pomerania, Polonia Gdańsk - Exposición e Congreso AMBEREXPO, Voivodato de Pomerania, Polonia


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