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Stuttgart - ingenieur.de

Recruiting Day Stuttgart. Resilience: Increase your ability in stressful situations. Prepare yourself for the video interview. Job Interview? Pitch your personality You can present yourself, your data, and your facts and figures in a fun and exciting way to your potential employer. Take advantage of digitalization and artificial intelligence to maximize your chances of success during the application process.

Liederhalle Congress Center Berliner Platz 1-370174Stuttgart.

VDI nachrichten's Recruiting Day is open to all IT and engineering professionals, young or old. You can attend interesting lectures and take advantage of free offers, such as the individual career advice or the application photoshoot.

Find out here how to prepare for the recruitment day.

The companies participating in the Stuttgart recruiting day are seeking motivated engineers. On our site, you can see the job postings.

You can also exchange ideas and talk with human resource managers and company representatives at the career fair. You can learn more about the company, its requirements and the career opportunities.

You can find interesting and informative lectures on work and career in our lecture forum. There are also opportunities to discuss current issues.

Renate SperberRenate Sperber image consultancy Lauf a.d. Pegnitz.

Katrin PlanggerCoach for Application I CareerWeissach.

Bodo IkingerBusiness and Personality CoachNurnberg.