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Solar Eclipse of October 2 2024 from Pakistan | TheSkyLive.com

Calculator for Position. Solar Eclipse from Pakistan on October 2, 2024. Sky Chart for Annular Solar Eclipse on October 2, 2024. Visibility of the October 2 2024 eclipse from major cities in Pakistan. Browse Solar Eclipses.

Search for another location by typing it into the search box below or clicking any point on the map to see when and where.The Annular Solar Eclipse on October 2, 2024 can be seen from there.

These paths are used to visualize the maps on this website.ttprovided by Xavier M. Jubier (http://xjubier.free.fr/).

The chart below shows where the Moon, Sun, and planets are located in the sky.Maximum eclipse occurs at the time indicated. This sky chart shows the portion of sky that is visible.It is 50degx25deg

This chart is useful in determining which planets will be visible during a total solar Eclipse.During the totality phase. Keep in mind that the North direction in this sky chart (increasing declination) is upward.Online Planetarium offers a variety of features.A realistic interactive visualization that takes the rotation of the skies into considerationCaused by the local observing station on Earth.

You can find detailed information on the Annular Solar Eclipse by clicking the links below.The main cities of Pakistan will be able to see the stars:.

Choose a decade and see all solar eclipses that occurred in the time period you selected:.