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From February 23, 2025 until February 25, 2025

35° International exhibition of organic and natural products | Sana

Natural Organics
Bologna Exhibition Center:
September 7 | 9 Food e SANATECH
10 Care&Beauty e Green Life Style. SANA WAS FOUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN TRADE SHOW IN 1988.

SANA, now in its 35th year, has become the event to attend for those who want to discover and present new innovations, build successful business relationships, analyze market trends, and draw the future of all things organic, natural healthy and sustainable.

The International Exhibition of Organic and Natural Products launched at the...

SANA is expanding its food offering to include organic, healthy, vegan, and free-from foods.

Do you have a business that is at the forefront in terms of eco-friendly products and sustainability? ...

Simone Calugi follows in the footsteps his great-grandfather and grandfather, as well as father.

Brazzale Distribution, a Vicenza based company that specializes in the sale and distribution of natural products...

The Casentino is a district of the province of Arezzo.

SANA is a great place to do business. You can take advantage of the exclusive exhibitor opportunities to showcase your brand and reach out to professionals who are focused on health, well-being and the environment.

Exhibit at SANA 2023

Four reasons to exhibit.

SANA is a platform that allows you to discover the best of Italian organic and natural products. Find out about the international buyer's program.