
Frontend next edition date updated

From May 28, 2024 until May 30, 2024

Pfas Forum - PFAS Forum

PFAS Forum IV Sponsors and Supporting Organizations (2024). PFAS Forum Photo Gallery. This website uses cookie.

The group of chemicals known as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) includes PFOA and PFOS. GenX and other chemicals are also included. Since the 1940s, PFAS chemicals have been used and manufactured in many industries across the world. This includes the United States. PFOA and PFOS are the two chemicals that have been studied and produced most. Both chemicals are persistent in both the environment and the body, meaning that they do not break down over time and can accumulate. Evidence suggests that PFAS exposure can have adverse effects on human health (Source: U.S. EPA).

The PFAS Forum IV is being organized to provide an understanding of the environmental issues related to PFAS, educate the environmental/remediation industry and regulatory community on the potential risks from PFAS, as well as discuss regulatory and legal issues, monitoring, treatment, cleanup and disposal technologies.

The PFAS Forum IV was designed to be a live event, but those who cannot attend in person will still have access to the live stream. The price is the same. After registering, just let us know if you would like to join virtually.

The PFAS Forum IV has issued a Call for Abstracts. Click on the link for more information if you are interested in submitting an Abstract for an Oral or Poster Presentation.

Clicking on the below link will allow you to view the PFAS Forum Agenda Layout.