
Frontend next edition date updated

From August 27, 2024 until August 29, 2024
At Maulana Azad Road, Upsc, New Delhi, Delhi, 110011 Categories: Environmental Services


Upcoming Events. We Are Organizing SUSTAINABILITY SUMMIT 2024. Time: 9:00 Am to 7:00 Pm. We Are Organizing SUSTAINABILITY SUMMIT 2024. Time: 9:00 Am to 7:00 Pm. We Are Organizing SUSTAINABILITY SUMMIT 2024. Time: 9:00 Am to 7:00 Pm. We Are Organizing SUSTAINABILITY SUMMIT 2024. Time: 9:00 Am to 7:00 Pm. We Are Organizing SUSTAINABILITY SUMMIT 2024. Time: 9:00 Am to 7:00 Pm. We Are Organizing SUSTAINABILITY SUMMIT 2024.

Plastic Recycling, Recycle Packaging, and Waste to Energy are all important ways to protect our planet. MSMECCII (which helps small and mid-sized businesses) organizes events that educate people about these topics. We'll break it down. Plastic Recycling: Do you know the plastic bottles, bags and containers that we use everyday? We can recycle these items instead of throwing them out! Recycling is the process of transforming old plastics into new products, such as toys, clothing, or bottles.

E-waste is a major problem in the world today. Imagine all the old gadgets, phones, and computers that people toss away after they're finished with them. What if we could turn this ewaste back into something usable? E-waste recycling and refurbishment are vital for the health of our planet. MSMECCII is a group which helps small and medium businesses.

These words may sound big, but their purpose is to make our world healthier and cleaner. We'll break these words down to see what they mean, especially since MSMECCII is organizing a conference on them. First off, green energy. Green energy is about using renewable sources of power that are not harmful to the environment.