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Future Mobility Asia 2024 | 15-17 May 2024 - Exhibit at Future Mobility Asia

ASIA'S CLEANMOBILITY REVOLUTION IS BEING ACCELERATED. Future Mobility Asia Exhibitors. Opening up a new era in investment opportunities for mobility. Join 600+ industry leaders and policymakers for a networking event. Head of Business & Strategy. Managing Director, Senior Partner. Boston Consulting Group. Andrey Berdichevskiy. Partner & Associate director, Lead Southeast Asia Center for Climate & Sustainability.


Future Mobility Asia is Asia's leader in the transition to clean mobility. It provides a platform for all stakeholders to participate in the sustainable transport future of Asia. This meeting point is a catalyst for investment, innovation and policy discourse in order to move Asia towards a future with net-zero emission within its rapidly changing economies.

This event brings together policymakers, leaders in the industry, and innovators who are working to address challenges related to shifting toward sustainable mobility solutions. These include developing EV infrastructures, promoting hydrogen, and creating supportive regulatory frameworks. The event offers a comprehensive view of the global mobility landscape, through high-level discussion, exhibits of cutting edge solutions, and opportunities to engage in cross-continental business.

Future Mobility Asia will be a must-attend event for anyone who wants to learn about the most innovative products and technologies driving the sustainable transportation revolution in Asia. Visitors will have the opportunity to experience first-hand the latest advancements in the field of electric vehicles, hydrogen technology, and smart infrastructure that are setting the pace towards the continent's goal of net-zero emission. The exhibition provides attendees with an opportunity to see the tangible results of innovation in the industry and allows them to engage directly with the companies and creators behind these transformational solutions.