
Frontend next edition date updated

From May 06, 2025 until May 08, 2025
At Am Messezentrum, 86159, Augsburg, Hochfeld, Bayern Categories: Agricultural Sector Tags: Dies

Deutsche Baumpflegetage - Die größte Fachveranstaltung Europas

Next stop, German Tree Care Days. German Tree Care Days in Augsburg. German Tree Care Days, 2024. Yearbook of Tree care. German Tree Care Days in 2024.

The conference will provide a bridge between theory, practice and tree care through lectures and discussions. Experts from various disciplines will exchange ideas over the course of three days.

Arborists and rope-climbers from Europe and abroad are offered an individualized program at the climbing forum. The international speakers offer a combination of practical lectures and climbing tower demonstrations.

The tree care trade show that is held in conjunction with the conference features 160 well-known companies presenting their products, services and innovations relating to the everyday work of tree care. In the exhibition hall as well as in the inner court, a variety of presentations and activities are also held.

This video will take you through the German Tree Care Days.

The tree care industry is innovative and expanding. German Tree Care Days is the best evidence of this. In 2024, we expect more participants and exhibitors from both home and abroad. New knowledge has been gained about the effects of climate change on trees. The Technical University of Munich is this year's partner, and they have done a great deal of research on the subject. The practical lectures and highly relevant topics will be a highlight of our event.