
Frontend next edition date updated

From September 19, 2024 until September 19, 2024

Boise Facilities Maintenance Expo - Facilities Maintenance & Management Conference Trade ShowsFacilities Maintenance & Management Conference Trade Shows

Boise Facilities Maintenance Expo. September 21, 2023 @ 9:00 am - 2:00 pm. Buy a Booth Now. 10' x 10' Booth - Boise. 10' x 20' Booth - Boise. Full page 4 colour ad. Extra decorated table. Updates and News about the Event.


Boise Facilities Maintenance Expo.

This expo brings together a highly qualified audience of building engineers and plant engineers who are eager to purchase. Previous show attendees included Facility Managers, Owners and Managers of Buildings. Plant Engineers are also Maintenance Personnel, Production Supervisers, Purchasing Managers and Buyers. Safety Supervisors can be found amongst the attendees. Your company can reach a large number of prospects by exhibiting at the Facilities Maintenance Expo. This will save you time and money from making multiple sales calls.

Benefits of Attending an Expo on Facilities Maintenance:
* Actual product photos are preferred to catalog images
* Give your customers a hands-on product experience
Attendees make up a captive audience
You will be able to attract prospects. You don't need to carry heavy equipment between prospects.

Paying online with your Credit Card is fast and secure. Only US dollars. Choose the booth size you want from the list and follow the instructions.