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From December 04, 2024 until December 09, 2024

Antigua Yacht Charter and Sailing - BVI Sail

British Virgin Islands Valentine's Day. Antigua Yacht Charter and Sailing Vacations. Weather | Antigua Yacht Charter. Antigua Yacht charter: Places to Visit The Antigua and Barbuda Museum Ruins Betty Hope. Nelson's Dockyard. Shirley Heights Lookout Antigua Yacht Charter Activities

Antigua Yacht Charter is a destination that offers a warm climate, protected harbors and coral reefs. Admiral Nelson recognized this in 1784. So, he founded the Caribbean base of Great Britain. Antigua is a popular tourist destination today due to its unique features.

The Leeward Islands are home to Antigua and Barbuda - the two main islands of this sovereign nation. Redonda is a part of the country, but it's not inhabited. It has been turned into a nature reserve.

Montserrat is one of the neighboring islands, along with Guadeloupe and St Kitts. Antigua is home to 97% of its population. St John is the country's capital and its largest port. Mount Obama is the highest point in the state. It was formerly called Boggy Peak and stands at 1319 feet.

Here's a sample itinerary for Antigua to get you started.

Antigua's first inhabitants were Amerindians, dating back as far as 3100 BC. The Arawaks and Carib Indians settled later.

Antigua is known locally as "Wadadli" by the Arawaks. Christopher Columbus named the islands after a Spanish icon in 1493.

In 1632, English settlers brought sugar cane to the area and also a large number of West African slaves. Antigua was made an associate state of the British Commonwealth by 1968, and achieved full independence in November 1981.