
Copenhagen - Copenhagen University, Denmark

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Copenhagen - Copenhagen University, Denmark
Copenhagen - Copenhagen University, Denmark

University of Copenhagen – University of Copenhagen

Morten Meldal is awarded The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2022. What do you want to study? International students at UCPH. Captivating podcasts. Please Explain! How curious are you about the world around you? Building Stronger Universities. CERTIZENS Africa Podcast. Copenhagen Legal Tech Lab - Podcast. Join the doctor in a corona intensive care unit.

Din internetbrowser understotter ikke iframes. Det betyder at videoen Impact: Follow the doctor to a corona intensive-care unit ikke Kan afspilles.

Ulf Gottrup Petersen, chief medical officer at the intensive care unit of Zealand University Hospital in Koge, has been a leader in the treatment and rehabilitation of critically ill corona patients.

Din internetbrowser understøtter ikke iframes. Det betyder, at videoen The Science of Ice Cream ikke kan afspilles.

Osterberg Ice Cream is owned by Cathrine Osterberg. Her education in food science has given her the foundation for all she does to create the best ice cream.

Din internetbrowser understøtter ikke iframes. Det betyder, at videoen VR game improves motor skills in cerebral palsy ikke kan afspilles.

Din internetbrowser understotter ikke iframes. Det betyder at videoen Psychologists train parents to help their children with anxiety.

Psychologists at the University of Copenhagen have created a program to assist parents of children suffering from anxiety. This program is designed to assist parents in helping their children cope with anxiety before it becomes severe.