
Electronics trade days 2024

Electronics trade days
From September 27, 2024 until September 28, 2024
Linz - Design Center Linz Betriebsgesellschaft M.B.H., Upper Austria, Austria
(Please double-check the dates and location on the official site below before attending.)

Working in Linz - the city with the DIGITAL MILE

Sports betting service provider Digital Transformation specialist. Software and Digital Transformation Provider. Online career portal with the largest reach. IoT services and solutions. Software provider for global customs and trade regulations. Service provider for digital services. Provider for e-commerce solutions. Start-up and Technology Centre. MIC is the winner of the DiMi Challenge Cup again. The most innovative mile of the country.

For example, the oldest cake recipe on the planet, or the LD Process that revolutionised the steel production, just as the "green hydrogen steel" in series production will. In Linz and the surrounding areas, more than 200 world market leaders have their headquarters. They began their march to success from Linz. The Golden Nica is the equivalent of the Oscar in electronic art. It has been given to prize-winners all over the globe since 1987, and it's still the most prestigious award. The world was conquered by Electroswing. Linz is the perfect place to create your own extraordinary story.

Linz wants to be better than San Francisco, Tel Aviv, or Berlin. Austria's third largest city was not voted Europe's "most creative and innovative" city just because it has won several awards. The spirit of the futuristic is evident in Linz.

The economic center of the country is undergoing a transformation, where industrial groups and new technology companies are cross-fertilised. This is illustrated by the Tobacco Factory: once Europe's biggest cigarette factory, it is now Austria's leading start-up center. A thriving educational landscape is directly influenced by economic power. Linz has a rich tradition of universities, applied science institutions and research institutes at the highest levels. The new digital university in the future will meet the demands of companies for innovative and hungry minds. Creative and innovative minds shape the diverse cultural offerings of the city. Innovative minds who want to inspire and motivate you.

Hits: 1195

Register for tickets or booths

Please register at the official website of Electronics trade days

Venue Map and Hotels Around

Linz - Design Center Linz Betriebsgesellschaft M.B.H., Upper Austria, Austria Linz - Design Center Linz Betriebsgesellschaft M.B.H., Upper Austria, Austria


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