
Art Rotterdam 2025

Art Rotterdam
From March 28, 2025 until March 30, 2025
Rotterdam - Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
(Please double-check the dates and location on the official site below before attending.)
Categories: Arts & Crafts

- Art Rotterdam

March 28 - 30, 2025, opening March 27. Rotterdam Ahoy is the new location. New section Art Rotterdam Artistic Matter. Nominees for the NN Art Award, 2024 have been announced. Prospects exhibition: 12th edition. Van Nelle factory exterior works. Anemoon Fokkinga & Rik Laging talk about their latest project, 'Aquatic Fauna Research Lab. Chapter Two: Evolving and Adapting. Sun Chang, a social artist: "Mothering's a verb and an intention".

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Hits: 1046

Register for tickets or booths

Please register at the official website of Art Rotterdam

Venue Map and Hotels Around

Rotterdam - Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands Rotterdam - Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands


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