
Balnearia 2025

From February 23, 2025 until February 26, 2025
Marina di Carrara - Carrarafiere Srl, Tuscany, Italy
(Please double-check the dates and location on the official site below before attending.)

- Balnearia

Your point of reference.

Balnearia, an event dedicated to reception and hospitality on the beach, has seen a significant growth in the last year thanks to Tirreno Trade Srl.

It provided an opportunity to discuss sensitive issues such as the Bolkestein directive or the erosion alarm which has affected most of the country's coasts.

The main storage system for pain is love itself.

Finally, we are back to attend the Italian hospitality world.

Hits: 1729

Register for tickets or booths

Please register at the official website of Balnearia

Venue Map and Hotels Around

Marina di Carrara - Carrarafiere Srl, Tuscany, Italy Marina di Carrara - Carrarafiere Srl, Tuscany, Italy


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