

From October 19, 2024 until October 20, 2024
倫敦 - ExCeL London, England, UK


訂閱我們的新聞。 你被邀請了。 不客氣。 享受娛樂、啟發和教育。 恭喜我們的得獎者! 我們的最新消息和更新。 加入志同道合的人。 訂閱我們的新聞。


與您最喜愛的 Cleanfluencers 見面,了解他們的最新技巧。 聆聽專家的意見並觀看他們的實踐。 然後以展會價格購買最新產品。

Life is full of change, but it can often catch us by surprise, causing our equilibrium to be upset and our resilience to be challenged. Change can take many forms, including sudden upheavals or gradual transformations. Some changes are under our control while others are imposed by forces outside of our control. Change is inevitable, but it can be a source of resistance or adaptation.

It's a common struggle to cook for children and adults simultaneously, whether you are a parent trying hard to please picky eaters or an adult who is busy juggling family and work responsibilities.

The midlife stage can be challenging and complex. It is natural to look back and ask yourself: Are we where we wanted to be? If not, how will life unfold next? We may feel like we have missed the boat or it is too late, or that we are not doing well. We might also feel guilty if we feel like we've achieved everything we wanted but are still not satisfied. It can be overwhelming to deal with hormonal changes that affect our mind, body and emotions as well as pressures from relationships, careers, finances and health.





倫敦 - ExCeL London, England, UK 倫敦 - ExCeL London, England, UK


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