
Сајам фабрике будућности УАЕ 2024

Футуре Фацтори Схов УАЕ
From May 15, 2024 until May 16, 2024
Абу Даби - Абу Даби, Абу Даби, УАЕ
(Молимо вас да још једном проверите датуме и локацију на званичном сајту испод пре него што присуствујете.)
Категорије: Пословне услуге
Ознаке: фабрика

Футуре Фацтори Схов

Серија Футуре Фацтори Схов. Окупите кључне заинтересоване стране из производне индустрије. Осигурати сарадњу индустрије кроз дијалог и размену знања о индустрији 4.0. Делите најбоље праксе, иновације и трендове како бисте унапредили колективно знање у оквиру индустрије. Повезивање крајњих корисника са добављачима, онима који омогућавају и утицајним људима ће олакшати напредак. Индустријализација и одрживост.

The Future Factory Show Series was established in 2019 and is organized in India, Africa, and the Middle East. Its aim is to promote industrial development and manufacturing process excellence by dialogue.Like any other industry in the world, manufacturing is undergoing rapid change. Manufacturers are trying to make more out of less by increasing efficiency, reducing cost, and enhancing the quality of their products with technology.This sector is undergoing a transformation that is widely regarded as the fourth Industrial Revolution, characterized by cyber-physical systems. The three previous industrial revolutions were characterized by steam powered mechanization; mass production via electricity and assembly line; and automation through computers and electronic devices. This transformation, also known as Industry 4.0 or Smart Manufacturing, has led to increased investment in digital technologies that enable autonomy and better decisions.We can help! The Future Factory Show, the first edition of which was held in Saudi Arabia on February 20, 2019, was sponsored by the Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources and hosted by the Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones.The Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation is hosting the upcoming series on August 25th in Mumbai, India.Next, we will be taking this initiative to Egypt and other countries around the world. Stay tuned for more!


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Абу Даби - Абу Даби, Абу Даби, УАЕ Абу Даби - Абу Даби, Абу Даби, УАЕ


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