
Saigon International Autotech & Accessories Show 2024

Saigon International Autotech & Accessories Show
From May 16, 2024 until May 19, 2024
Ho Chi Minh - Saigon Wirjiet u Ċentru tal-Konvenzjoni, Ho Chi Minh, il-Vjetnam
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)

Saigonautotech Vjetnam -

Vjetnam Internazzjonali Autotech & Aċċessorji Show

Vietnam International Autotech & Accessories ShowAutotech, which was held for the very first time in Vietnam in 2006 is one of the most anticipated and exciting events in Vietnam. Autotech is a platform where the latest products from automobile manufacturers and leading accessory enterprises are showcased. Autotech only lasted 4 days, but it always attracted thousands of customers to visit.Autotech, as one of the most important exhibitions in Vietnam for commercial activities both inside and outside the nation, is the ideal choice for famous car makers to display and shape their products for their target markets in Vietnam.Autotech displays a variety of products and services that cater to the automotive and motorcycle industries.Date : 16-19 May 2024Venue : Saigon Exhibition and Convention CenterOrganiser: Asia Trade Fair and Business Promotion Holdings (Holdings), Vietnam Industry Agency VIACo-organizer: European Mobile Media Association, MICEPM, Forum Otosaigon and Vietnam Association of Supporting Industries.Jetta Trade Service Co. Ltd. is our international sales partner.Sponsor : Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry NewsThaco to assemble four BMW models in Vietnam 2022-12-07BMW AG Group (Germany), has confirmed that Truong Hai (Thaco), its partner, assembles the series 3, series 5 X3, and X5 in Vietnam.BMW AG and its partner Thaco announced on December 5 that they will localize many German auto models in Vietnam.The Vietnamese market is expected to grow in the future and we are pleased with our decision to work together with Thaco on assembling Series 3, Series 5, X3, and X5. BMW is also interested in bringing its products to Vietnam.

Viżti: 7021

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Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Ho Chi Minh - Saigon Wirjiet u Ċentru tal-Konvenzjoni, Ho Chi Minh, il-Vjetnam Ho Chi Minh - Saigon Wirjiet u Ċentru tal-Konvenzjoni, Ho Chi Minh, il-Vjetnam


Manifattur għall-aċċessorji tal-karozzi.
Editjat l-aħħar fuq 30.06.2023 10: 01 mill-Mistieden
Kwotazzjoni TAL-Magni tal-Corrugator tal-Filtru HEPA Separat sħiħ-awtomatiku għall-Folja tal-Azzar Stainless tal-Aluminju tal-Karta
Għażiż Wiwat Krungruengchai,
Dan huwa Tom minn JIURUI Filter Corporation. Nara l-inkjesta tiegħek fuq Alibaba biex tfittex il-Magni tal-Corrugator tal-Filtru HEPA għall-Fojl tal-Azzar Stainless Steel tal-Aluminju tal-Karta. Aħna manifattur li nagħmlu magna tal-filtru, inkluż filtru tal-arja tal-karozzi, filtru taż-żejt, linja ta 'produzzjoni tal-filtru tal-kabina, eċċ. Nixtieq nista' ngħinek, u ninsab ħerqana li nikkoopera miegħek. Grazzi. In-numru tat-telefon tiegħi (WhatsApp): +8618131815397.
Dejjem tiegħek,
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