
ЕЛФАК 2025 година

From May 06, 2025 until May 09, 2025
Гетеборг - Шведскиот изложбен и конгресен центар, округот Вестра Геталанд, Шведска
(Ве молиме проверете ги двапати датумите и локацијата на официјалната страница подолу пред да присуствувате.)

Елфак 9-12 мај 2023 година | Шведскиот изложбен и конгресен центар | Гетеборг

Elfack is back! Mobilising digitalisation and electrification for a sustainable social system. Elfack's update on the new strategic conference. Elfack is accepting your lecture proposals. Topical content developed in collaboration with partners. Elfack's latest news is here! Electrically Safe - New School Material from The National Electrical Safety Board. Smart grids are only smart if they involve households.

Во истата зграда се наоѓа и хотелот Gothia Towers.

Elfack is back!6-9 May 2025 GothenburgElfack is a great opportunity to participate in.Update by Elfack: Read More.Mobilising digitalisation and electrification for a sustainable futureThe ongoing social transformation is dominated by electrification and digitization. Solutions must be impactful and bring about changes in entire sectors, industries and areas of the society. We need to move faster!Elfack mobilizes the necessary cooperation to achieve success. The actors from the real estate, cities, transport, and industry are able to meet here and work together. The interaction between people, technology, economy and politics is facilitated. We can only succeed together, and by working together.Elfack provides the opportunity to interact with an integrated electricity and lighting industry through a comprehensive exhibit, a space for discussion and meetings, a seminar program and educational activities.Elfack's update on the New Strategic ConferenceThe first edition of the conference Update by Elfack will be held 6-9 May, 2025. The programme, in collaboration with partners will provide different perspectives for in-depth discussion and innovative insights into the electricity and energy sectors. Focus is placed on issues that have a direct impact on the industry's future.Update by Elfack: Read More.Please submit your Elfack lecture proposal.We are currently offering Elfack exhibitors the chance to contribute.

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Гетеборг - Шведскиот изложбен и конгресен центар, округот Вестра Геталанд, Шведска Гетеборг - Шведскиот изложбен и конгресен центар, округот Вестра Геталанд, Шведска


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