
인터폼 상하이 2024

인터폼 상하이
From September 03, 2024 until September 05, 2024
상하이 - 상하이 신 국제 엑스포 센터(SNIEC), 상하이, 중국
(참석 전 아래 공식 사이트에서 날짜와 장소를 다시 한 번 확인해주세요.)

Interfoam China 2024 上海國际发泡材料技术工业 Exhibition览会

International Summit Forum on Foam Materials and Applications "Redefining Foam Materials". "Redefining foam materials" The 4th International Summit Forum on the Foam Materials and Applications.

Interfoam은 3년 5월 2024일부터 XNUMX일까지 상하이 신국제 엑스포 센터에서 개최될 예정입니다. 이번 전시회에는 전 세계의 전문 폼 소재 전시업체가 한자리에 모일 것입니다. 놓치지 말아야 할 이벤트입니다. 아직도 무엇을 기다리고 있나요?

The 4th International Summit Forum on Foam Materials and Applications I focuses on the theme "Redefining Foam Materials". It discusses innovation and development in foam materials and vertical applications, from the perspectives of harmonious symbiosis and application innovation as well as technological change. The forum will include more than 100 topics and will take place both online and off-line.

There are only a few more days until Interfoam China opens in Shanghai 00 sky 00Hours: 00Points of view 00SecondTickets on sale nowExhibition IntroductionThe polymer foam material is a force to be reckoned with in the world of new materials. Polymers are given excellent new properties through different foaming techniques. Due to their unique properties, polymer foams are used in a variety of vertical applications. These include lightweight, noise and shock reduction, thermal insulation and filtration.Interfoam, an international professional exhibition, covers the entire industry chain of foam material. This is a major international event for foam materials professionals.Interfoam Shanghai Exhibition focuses on displaying cutting-edge production technologies, equipment and new technology, new trends, and applications of foam material, etc. and strives to create technology and trade display. A professional platform that integrates academic exchanges in order to empower sustainable development for the industry!

조회수 : 1528

티켓 또는 부스 등록

Interfoam Shanghai의 공식 웹 사이트에서 등록하십시오.

행사장 지도 및 주변 호텔

상하이 - 상하이 신 국제 엑스포 센터(SNIEC), 상하이, 중국 상하이 - 상하이 신 국제 엑스포 센터(SNIEC), 상하이, 중국


800 남은 문자