
Internet das cousas India Expo 2025

Expo Internet das cousas India
From March 19, 2025 until March 21, 2025
Nova Delhi - Pragati Maidan, Delhi, India
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IoT India Expo - Eventos de tecnoloxía IoT, conferencias, Expo, exposicións, feiras na India

India will be the cradle of internet-of-things deployments, thanks to its vibrant economic system and its potential to become a global leader in manufacturing. The fourth wave is all about digital empowerment and driving new IT services and technologies across edge and cloud assets in order to drive productivity. These technologies range from artificial intelligence and digital twins to industrial IoT platforms and advanced analytics. They serve the core needs of the manufacturing industry. The Internet of Things boom has been seen in the past few years.IoT India Expo showcases organizations that are leading the way with IoT adoption. This allows them to accelerate into a world of business faster, with more accurate information, and ensures their business can flourish through new technology adoptions. This event, which is the largest enterprise event in IoT and Blockchain, AI, Big Data and Cyber Security, provides a platform for IT Professionals who want to discuss and meet the future of technology. It is for everyone from enterprise to government to SMBs and technology and service providers.

Explora o mundo IoT coa plataforma principal para compartir e discutir investigacións de vangarda e avances tecnolóxicos que permiten ás organizacións impulsar unha nova transformación dixital.

Saúde dixital é o termo usado para describir os servizos e as prácticas médicas que se ofrecen nas plataformas dixitais e a través delas. É unha idea sinxela de usar a tecnoloxía para mellorar a saúde e o benestar das persoas...

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Mapa do lugar e hoteis arredor

Nova Delhi - Pragati Maidan, Delhi, India Nova Delhi - Pragati Maidan, Delhi, India


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