
Saudi Entertainment and Amusement Expo 2024

Expo de entretemento e diversión saudita
From May 07, 2024 until May 09, 2024
Riad - Exposición frontal de Riad, provincia de Riad, Arabia Saudita
(Por favor, comprobe as datas e a localización no sitio oficial a continuación antes de asistir.)
categorías: Lecer e medios

Expo Saudi Entertainment and Amusement (SEA).

The Middle East's largest gathering of the entertainment and leisure industry. Visitor Count for Both Shows. GET READY TO DIVE INTO A WORLD OF ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES. YOUR CENTRAL HUB FOR ENTERTAINMENT & ATTRACTIONS. Showcase your product in a vibrant, innovative community that offers the perfect blend of excellence. WATER RELATED EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES. EQUIPMENT FOR FACILITIES, GROUNDS AND PARTICIPATORS.

Saudi Entertainment & Amusement (SEA) Expo 3:00 PM - 9:00 PMRiyadh Front Exhibition & Conference Center.


Saudi Entertainment and Amusement Expo (SEA) brings professionals in the entertainment and attractions industry together under one roof. This creates a unique opportunity for individuals with similar interests to meet and connect. We can address industry challenges by collaborating and developing actionable solutions.Book a Stand and Get a Free Pass.

Saudi Entertainment and Amusement Expo (SEA) reúne a profesionais da industria do entretemento e das atraccións baixo un mesmo teito. Isto crea unha oportunidade única para que persoas con intereses similares poidan coñecer e conectarse. Podemos abordar os retos da industria colaborando e desenvolvendo solucións viables.

Your central one-stop hub for the entertainment and attractions industrySEA Expo, which has been running in Riyadh for more than 5 years, is a global event that brings together the most innovative technologies for the growth of the Saudi Arabian market under one roof. Our event is a place where you can make new contacts, grow your business and leave your mark on the entertainment industry.We provide a platform where leading brands can engage with powerful buyers in the region, including entertainment designers, consultants and contractors, owners, developers and investors of mega projects and entrepreneurs. Visitors from the Middle East and Africa will be able to discover the latest in leisure from both global manufacturers and local providers, fostering collaboration and driving innovation in the industry.

Hits: 8960

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Mapa do lugar e hoteis arredor

Riad - Exposición frontal de Riad, provincia de Riad, Arabia Saudita Riad - Exposición frontal de Riad, provincia de Riad, Arabia Saudita


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تأمین کننده مصالح ساختمانی

طلال الهاجري
Última edición en 19.03.2023 21: 29 polo convidado
SEA Expo 2023

Somos Wotn Co. unha empresa líder saudita no campo da xestión e implementación de eventos. Ofrecemos todos os servizos para a realización, organización e xestión de eventos, exposicións e conferencias dentro do reino.

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