
ITSAS BARRUKOAK Cruise & Ferry Global Expo 2024

ITSAS BARRUKOAK Cruise & Ferry Global Expo
From September 03, 2024 until September 06, 2024
Hamburg - Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH, Hanburgo, Alemania
(Mesedez, egiaztatu beheko gune ofizialean datak eta kokalekuak joan aurretik.)

ITSAS BARNEAK | Cruise & Ferry Global Expo | SMM-k bultzatuta - MARINE INTERIORS

MARINE INTERIORS @SMM. MARINE INTERRIORS @SMM. MARINE INTERRIORS@SMM. Newsletter-subscription. Highlights of the 2023 program. Hamburg: Successful co-located cruise industry fairs wrap up. Worlds of passenger comfort. Hamburg is the place to meet the cruise industry. Who will be exhibiting at MARINE INTERIORS in 2023? Hamburg Experience Endorsing associations. Official Event Publication. Be on the lookout for fraudulent activity.

Barne diseinua, ekipamendua eta teknologia gurutzaldi eta ferry industrian.

Book your Stand for 3 - 6 Sept 2024 in Hamburg!

Gurutzaldien industriako 3,500 parte-hartzaileri ongietorria eman ondoren, MARINE INTERIORS Cruise & Ferry Global Expo & Seatrade Europe Cruise & Canal Cruise Convention arrakastaz amaitu zen Hanburgon.

Hanburgo gurutzaldien industriaren ardatza da. MARINE INTERIORS Cruise & Ferry Global Expo eta Seatrade Europe Cruise & River Cruise Convention gaur hasiko dira. Zeintzuk dira gaiak eta nor joaten da? Hau jakin behar duzun informazio gakoen ikuspegi orokorra da.

MARINE INTERIORS Cruise & Ferry Global Expo, 2019an Hanburgon sortua, bidaiari-ontzien eta haien ekipamenduen barrualdeei eskainitako Europako ikuskizun autonomo bakarra da.

This event is a magnet for cruise industry leaders, with more than eight out of ten decision-level attendees. It also provides cruise architects and suppliers with an ecosphere that will inspire their businesses. There are a variety of exhibitor categories, as well as conferences, expert forums, and a range of conference topics. Introduce your brand to representatives from the European cruise industry in both the luxury segment as well as river cruising.

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Mesedez, erregistratu MARINE INTERIORS Cruise & Ferry Global Expo-ren webgune ofizialean

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Hamburg - Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH, Hanburgo, Alemania Hamburg - Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH, Hanburgo, Alemania


800 Ezkutatutako karaktereak