
Confensiwn Diwylliant Pop Seoul 2024

Confensiwn Diwylliant Pop Seoul
From August 16, 2024 until August 18, 2024
Seoul - Coex 513, Yeongdong-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 06164, Gweriniaeth Corea, Seoul, Korea
(Gwiriwch ddwywaith y dyddiadau a'r lleoliad ar y safle swyddogol isod cyn mynychu.)
Tags: darlledu


COEX Seoul @Seoul POPCON 16-18 Awst. Adeiladu i fyny

Mae Seoul Popcorn, neu 'Seoul Pop Culture Convention,' yn arddangosfa diwylliant pop sy'n agored i'r cyhoedd. Fel canolbwynt byd-eang ar gyfer cynnwys, rydym yn creu newid patrwm lle gall gwahanol gynnwys ddisgleirio.

Mae Seoul Popcorn yn blatfform newydd sy'n caniatáu cyfnewid cynnwys a chyfryngau ar draws diwydiannau. Nid oes unrhyw gyfyngiadau ar genre na gwlad. Seoul Popcorn yw'r lle i ddangos eich bydysawd!

c Exporum Inc., Pob Hawl [e-bost wedi'i warchod].

Seoul Popcorn, which is short for "Seoul Pop Culture Convention", includes a wide range of pop culture content, including new trends such as NFT. Seoul POPCON is an international pop culture exhibition held in Korea. It showcases a variety of pop culture contents, including NFT. It showcases a variety of pop culture, including new trends like virtual, metaverse and IP business.

Seoul Popcorn, in an age of rapid change, offers its unique experience and value through new spaces and programmes that encourage the exchange of media and content, without restriction by country or genre. We will provide. Present your content to customers and professionals with different needs at Seoul Popcorn!

Seoul POPCON 2024 will offer a unique experience and value in an age of rapid change for all industries including the cultural content sector. This will be achieved through programs and spaces that promote the exchange between different media and content, without restriction by country or genre. Seoul POPCON, which attracts customers and professionals with a variety of needs, will play your content from B2B through B2C.

Hits: 2692

Cofrestrwch am docynnau neu fythau

Cofrestrwch ar wefan swyddogol Confensiwn Diwylliant Pop Seoul

Map Lleoliad a Gwestai o Gwmpas

Seoul - Coex 513, Yeongdong-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 06164, Gweriniaeth Corea, Seoul, Korea Seoul - Coex 513, Yeongdong-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 06164, Gweriniaeth Corea, Seoul, Korea


800 Cymeriadau ar ôl