
Land & Forestry Wieselburg Fair 2024

From June 06, 2024 until June 09, 2024
Amstetten - MESSE WIESELBURG, Lower Austria, Austria
(Please double-check the dates and location on the official site below before attending.)
Categories: Agricultural Sector

D4.2 - CINA Report Innovation Region Austria - InnoForESt

Documentation of Constructive Innovation Assessment Workshops:InnoForESt Innovation Region Eisenwurzen, Austria. 1.1 Case description in general. 1.2 Problem background. 2.2 Brief stakeholder constellation. Reflection on the governance situation overall before the workshop. 3.1 Innovation Strategy of the Case Study. Platform and network processes. CINA Workshop Strategy. Type 1 Workshops: Innovation Analysis and Visioning.

Documentation of Constructive Innovation Assessment Workshops:InnoForESt Innovation Region Eisenwurzen, Austria.

In the densely forested and mountainous areas of Eisenwurzen, Austria, the Governance Innovation in the Innovation Region is expected to better capture and value the forest ecosystem services (FES). It is the aim to create a network for innovative collaboration to enhance sustainable use of wood and forest resources, with benefits that are both sustainable and beneficial to the region as well as the people who live and work there. To ensure local artisanship, and to create sustainable forest management solutions that are future-oriented and future-proofed, it is necessary to establish regional value chains of timber and forest products. The network will include stakeholders from various sectors, such as representatives from two National Parks and economic and administrative players. This innovation is still in its early stages of identifying stakeholders and connecting them.

Hits: 215

Register for tickets or booths

Please register at the official website of Land & Forestry Wieselburg Fair

Venue Map and Hotels Around

Amstetten - MESSE WIESELBURG, Lower Austria, Austria Amstetten - MESSE WIESELBURG, Lower Austria, Austria


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