
Automotive World China 2024

Automotive World China Shenzhen 2024
From November 06, 2024 until November 08, 2024
Shenzhen - Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center, Guangdong, China
+86 21 2231 7111
(Please double-check the dates and location on the official site below before attending.)

Automotive World China

AUTOMOTIVE CHINA. Inspiration and Innovation for Automotive Industry. ABOUT AUTOMOTIVE CHINA. BRANDS OF THE AUTOMOTIVE CHINA SHOW. International Visitors Total exhibition area of four co-located events. Total number of exhibitors at 4 co-located events. Total number of visitors to 4 co-located events. Six Unique Advantages. Automotive Electronic Components. Automotive New Materials. Electronic & Electrical Technology, New Energy Vehicle Core Parts.

Automotive World China (AWC), the world's largest platform for advanced new energy and intelligent vehicle technologies, brings together automotive manufacturers and technology suppliers from 50+ countries along the value chain to form partnerships, find inspiration and build businesses.

Prior to the event, ten satellite events will be held in China to engage with automotive manufacturers.

Global Roadshows for networking and conducting business with overseas buyers. Four stops in Japan Korea Thailand and Vietnam.

The event is a truly international automotive show that focuses on New Energy and Intelligent Vehicles Solutions and allows exhibitors to meet with more than 1,500 international visitors.

Attend the Automotive Summit to meet 1,000 conference delegates.

Sino-European-American Automotive Industry Exchange Forum.

Wires and chips, ceramic capacitors (for example), relays, safety capacitances, circuit boards. Secondary and tertiary Thyristors. Fusible links. Circuit breakers. Fuse. Resistors. Capacitors. Coils.

Hits: 26014

Register for tickets or booths

Please register at the official website of Automotive World China

Venue Map and Hotels Around

Shenzhen - Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center, Guangdong, China Shenzhen - Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center, Guangdong, China


Online visiting
Unfortunately, because of the problems connected with covid-19 pandemic we cannot visit exhibition offline, but we are interested in it in online format. Is it possible to visit it online?
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Somos de Montevideo ,URUGUAY .
Cordiales saludos.

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