
Exhibition Health and Longevity 2024

Exhibition Health and Longevity Kiev 2024
From September 12, 2024 until September 14, 2024
Kiev - Budynok Kino, Kyiv city, Ukraine
(Please double-check the dates and location on the official site below before attending.)

Виставка Здоров'я та довголіття — Виставка ЗДОРОВ'Я і ДОВГОЛІТТЯ

WE INVITE YOU TO COOPERATE! General information partner. WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT THE EXHIBITION! At the exhibition there will be an opportunity to: PRESENTATIONS OF THE PARTICIPANTS.


The event is held for all those who are interested in a healthy lifestyle and the principles of natural healing.

These forms of medical treatment, as a rule, do not use surgical intervention, but are based on the use of drugs of plant, animal or mineral origin, and are aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease, not its symptoms, by maintaining the health of the body as a whole.

The most important task in recovery is to help the body itself fight against ailments and not interfere with the program laid down by Nature.

- get acquainted with the existing directions of prevention and improvement of health, beauty and longevity (consultations of specialists);

- pass a complex diagnosis of the general state of the body (express examination of visitors);

- round tables, trainings, workshops on the topics of healthy eating, weight loss, women's health, yoga, prevention of chronic diseases, restoration and improvement of health, rejuvenation and many others;

- buy health, beauty, and longevity products and courses at favorable prices;

- win gifts and take part in exciting activities.

Hits: 4725

Register for tickets or booths

Please register at the official website of Exhibition Health and Longevity

Venue Map and Hotels Around

Kiev - Budynok Kino, Kyiv city, Ukraine Kiev - Budynok Kino, Kyiv city, Ukraine


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