
Smart Factory & Automation Technology Expo S-FACTORY EXPO Šanghaj 2024

Smart Factory & Automation Technology Expo S-FACTORY EXPO Šanghaj
From April 24, 2024 until April 26, 2024
Šanghaj - Shanghai World Expo razstavni in kongresni center, Šanghaj, Kitajska
+86 21 22317000 ali +86 21 22317010
(Prosimo, da še enkrat preverite datume in lokacijo na spodnji uradni strani, preden se udeležite.)

S-FACTORY EXPO智能工厂及自动化技术展览会-智能工厂展|自动化技术展|工业机器人展|工业软件展|机器视觉展|系统集成展|智能仓储与物流展

S-FACTORY EXPO Razstava tehnologije in avtomatizacije pametnih tovarn. S-FACTORY EXPO je razstava Smart Factory. Bodi to, kar si. .

* Inteligentna proizvodnja je rezultat globoke integracije med novo generacijo IKT in naprednimi proizvodnimi tehnologijami. Teče skozi vse vidike proizvodnih dejavnosti, kot so načrtovanje, proizvodnja, upravljanje in storitve, in ima funkcije, kot so samozaznavanje, samoučenje, samoodločanje, samoizvedba in samoprilagajanje. Nove proizvodne metode. Predelovalna industrija mora prestati preobrazbo v skladu z globalnim valom industrije 4.0 in "Made in China do 2025".

The current state of the electronics manufacturing industry in my country is a mix of mechanization and electrification. There is also a mixture of development between different regions, industries and enterprises. The foundation of intelligent manufacturing standards/software/network/information security is weak, the maturity of new intelligent manufacturing models is not high, the overall system solution supply capability is insufficient, and there is a lack of international industry giants and cross-border integration of intelligent manufacturing talents.

The "S-FACTORY EXPO Smart Factory and Automation", jointly sponsored by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and Reed Exhibitions Technology Exhibition, was created in response to the need for automation and digitalization of key processes within the traditional electronics manufacturing industries. The exhibition is based on market demand, and will promote the link between supply and demand, as well as the level of intelligent manufacturing among participating enterprises.

Zadetki: 20262

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Prijavite se na uradni spletni strani Smart Factory & Automation Technology Expo S-FACTORY EXPO Shanghai

Zemljevid prizorišča in hoteli v okolici

Šanghaj - Shanghai World Expo razstavni in kongresni center, Šanghaj, Kitajska Šanghaj - Shanghai World Expo razstavni in kongresni center, Šanghaj, Kitajska


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