Sunfest Kite Festival

Sunfest Kite Festival

From September 19, 2024 until September 22, 2024

At Ocean - The Kite Loft, Maryland, USA

Posted by ph

Categories: Media and Entertainment

Hits: 450

The Kite Loft's Sunfest Kite Festival | The Kite Loft

Sunfest Kite Festival at The Kite Loft. Sunfest Kite Festival in 2024. Sunfest Kite Festival 2024.

Sunfest Kite Festival this weekend will bring color to the skyline of Ocean City.

On the famous Downtown Boardwalk. This world-class event, celebrating its 46th anniversary, is recognized as being one of the 100 most popular venues in the entire planet.

Everyone is welcome to watch and take part in kite demonstrations, general kite-flying, kite games, Bol races or candy drops. AND IT'S FOR FREE!

There will be a lot of giant kites featuring Mermaids and Hippocampuses as well as Angels and Trilobites. Other giant kites include Mel the giant Whale and Whisper the winged horse. The famous Boardwalk in Ocean City will be packed with spectators.

Quad line demonstrations will also be held throughout the festival. Quad kites, also known as four-line kites, are flown in formation like Thunderbirds. We will see up to 16 quad flyers flying in perfect formation at various times during the festival.

Bring the kids to the Candy Drops, where we will drop candy out of a kite. On both Saturday and on Sunday, we will be doing several of these.

You can expect the following to take place every day over the next 4 days:.

All events are subject to wind and weather conditions. If you do not see kites in the air, then it is because there isn't enough wind, or it has been raining. All of the kites that you see at the beach belong to the kiting enthusiasts who attend the event. Please respect their kites, display banners and feel free to take photos. Please join the fun and fly a kite. We want everyone to have a good time. Bring your kite, or buy one from The Kite Loft. Fly it in the Small Kite Field shown on the map.