
Wirja Internazzjonali tal-Bini tal-Vapuri, Tagħmir Marittimu U Inġinerija Offshore Għaċ-Ċina 2024

Bini ta 'Vapuri Internazzjonali, Tagħmir Marittimu U Wirja ta' Inġinerija Offshore Għaċ-Ċina
From October 23, 2024 until October 25, 2024
Dalian - Dalian World Expo Center, Liaoning, iċ-Ċina
+ 86-411-6632-9903
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)

第十六届中国大连国际海事展览会 SHIPTEC CHINA 2022 -

[Corporate tour (1)] Brand corporate style for the 16th China Dalian International Maritime Exhibition. The tour of anchor chain companies (1).

L-14-il SHIPTEC CHINA se jsir f'Dalian World Expo Center f'Dalian, iċ-Ċina, mid-29 sal-31 ta' Ottubru 2020. SHIPTEC CHINA, bl-għarfien fil-fond tagħha tal-bini tal-vapuri, it-tbaħħir, u l-industriji marittimi taċ-Ċina, isir aktar influwenti, tajjeb- avveniment marittimu rispettat fit-tramuntana taċ-Ċina.

Dalian is well-known as the center of shipbuilding in Northeast Asia. It has a history of more than 100 years of development in the shipbuilding industry. SHIPTEC China will take advantage of the world-class shipyard DSIC, and the over 150 shipyards in Dalian, and the surrounding circum-Bohai region. It is dedicated to become a high-end network platform that covers the entire industrial chain in the Marine field.

It-tema għall-14-il edizzjoni hija "Aħdar, Intelliġenza u Integrazzjoni". SHIPTEC qed jiffoka fuq hotspots attwali fl-industrija marittima, bħall-ġestjoni tal-ilma tas-saborra, emissjonijiet ta 'gassijiet serra, enerġija ġdida, u limitazzjonijiet tal-kubrit. Aktar minn 50,000 professjonist mistennija jattendu l-14-il edizzjoni.

Visitor's tour (5)Professional company with a good reputationAll over the world, products are selling wellQingdao Wancheng Anchor Chain Co., Ltd.Booth number: 2A43In 2006, Qingdao Wancheng Anchor Chain Co., Ltd., was founded. The company is a professional one that specializes in anchor chains, related products and research. The company is able to produce and operate marine anchor chains, accessories and hoisting chains with a range of specifications from ph16-ph122mm. It can also produce mining, binding, and hoisting chains, and other chains according to the customer's requirements.Specific Product CategoriesShip supporting products include anchor chains, anchors and outfitting parts. ;There are several industrial chain series, including: German standard chains, American standard chains, Australian standard chains and other common gearless chains, lifting chains dock chains etc. Other chains can be produced to meet customer needs.Lashing chains: container lashing chains, cross arm hooks, etc.The company is equipped with international production equipment and a strong technical team. The company has seven chain-making units, twelve flash welding machines (flash welders), two file-making machines, three heat treatment furnace production line, four tensile testers, and other supporting equipment. It has a standardized Production Monitoring System and strict Quality Inspection System, as well as 3 universal material testing devices, an impact testing machine and a chemical analyzer. The "Wancheng Anchor Chain' brand has received numerous awards, including "Qingdao Famous Brand Product", a "Shandong Province Famous Brand Product", a "Qingdao City New Product", a "Qingdao City Famous Trademark", a "Shandong Province Famous Brand", and more. "Intellectual property rights implementation" and "Integration of Industrialization and Industrialization and Implementation", are also being implemented. Qingdao Wancheng Anchor Chain Co., Ltd., with its strong R&D and manufacturing capabilities, has been awarded the titles "National High-tech Enterprise", Qingdao Specialized and New Demonstration Enterprise", Qingdao Enterprise Technology Center", and "Jimo Industrial Design Center". Engineering Technology Research Center", and other titles. It has so far won 19 patents including utility model patents and invention patents.

Viżti: 11408

Irreġistra għall-biljetti jew kabini

Jekk jogħġbok irreġistra fil-websajt uffiċjali tal-Wirja Internazzjonali tal-Bini tal-Bastimenti, Tagħmir tal-Baħar u Inġinerija Offshore għaċ-Ċina

Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Dalian - Dalian World Expo Center, Liaoning, iċ-Ċina Dalian - Dalian World Expo Center, Liaoning, iċ-Ċina


Sharif Hussein
Irrid nixtri vapur kbir
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Marine spares
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