
Żminijiet Ekonomiċi ACETECH - New Delhi 2024

Żminijiet Ekonomiċi ACETECH - New Delhi
From December 12, 2024 until December 15, 2024
New Delhi - New Delhi, Delhi, l-Indja
+ 91 11 66295700
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)
kategoriji: Bini u Kostruzzjoni

- Acetech Expo

How do I obtain the Pass? I would like to visit. ACETECH: More than an exhibition, into architectural brilliance. Booth Booking is important to me, I would like to exhibit.

ACETECH: It's more than just an exhibition. Will you be there?

You can forget the usual exhibition experience. ACETECH allows you to experience the evolution of industry, immersed in the latest innovations and breakthrough solutions.

ACETECH is Asia's largest architecture, building materials & interior design B2B event. ACETECH: Elevate your business by connecting, growing and succeeding.

ACETECH huwa fornitur ewlieni ta 'prodotti u servizzi tal-bini li jilqgħu għall-ħtiġijiet ta' periti, disinjaturi, bennejja, u professjonisti tal-kostruzzjoni.

ACETECH huwa fornitur ewlieni ta 'prodotti u servizzi tal-bini li jilqgħu għall-ħtiġijiet ta' periti, disinjaturi, bennejja, u professjonisti tal-kostruzzjoni.

ACETECH, Asia's largest Architecture, Building Material and Design Exhibition, is proud to present an Exclusive Trade Show for the Ceramics & Sanitary Industry.

ACETECH presents a new proposal every year. It could be a benefiting initiative, a unforeseen opportunity, or a subplatform that will increase productivity.

Bath & Ceramics Expo 2024 is a pioneering initiative by ACETECH. It will be held for the first time ever in New Delhi and Bangalore.

The show was amazing. The show is amazing. It gives all members of the fraternity a platform to interact, gauge future trends and also exposes them to the latest ideas from the brightest minds in the industry.

Viżti: 31281

Irreġistra għall-biljetti jew kabini

Jekk jogħġbok irreġistra fuq il-websajt uffiċjali ta 'Economic Times ACETECH - New Delhi

Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

New Delhi - New Delhi, Delhi, l-Indja New Delhi - New Delhi, Delhi, l-Indja


farhana wasim
Irrid inżur dan
Irrid nattendi dan l-avveniment tal-bini Ace bħala spettatur għall-ewwel darba li kont nattendi għal din it-tip ta' fiera grazzi..

800 Karattri xellug