
Merchandising Messe Hamburg 2024

Merkanzija Messe f'Hamburg
From November 13, 2024 until November 14, 2024
Hamburg - Volksparkstadion, Hamburg, il-Ġermanja
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)

Merkanzija Messe f'Hamburg

The 22nd MERCHANDISING FESTIVAL. November 13/14 or 20/21 2024. The exact date will be announced.The DFL's framework schedule is expected to be in July 2024. 22nd MERCHANDISING FESTIVAL. +++ 22nd Hamburg Merchandising Fair 2024+++ Date : November 13th/14th 2024, or November 20th/21st 2024.+++ The DFL will announce the exact date of the announcement of its framework game plan, which is likely to be July 2024 +++.

When the DFL announces its framework schedule, which is likely to be in July 2024, the exact timing will be announced.

The DFL will announce the exact date of the announcement by July 2024.

The first day of the fair is from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm (evening event starts at 6:30 pm).On the second day, the fair is open from 10:00 am to 2:00 pmVolksparkstadion Hamburg.

The FanCommerce Forum is held in conjunction with the ESB Marketing Network as part of the MMHH. In several specialist forums leading experts discuss the latest developments and topics related to merchandising and licensing, trading, and ecommerce. The program, speakers, and more information can be found by clicking the button below:.

Il-wirja kummerċjali MMHH hija għall-professjonisti tal-marketing u l-merchandising mis-setturi sportivi u industrijali. Fiż-żona VIP fil-Volksparkstadion, aktar minn 100 esebitur se jippreżentaw l-aħħar innovazzjonijiet u prodotti tagħhom. Jipparteċipaw ukoll il-klabbs ta 'sports oħra, bħal handball, basketball u hockey fuq is-silġ. Aktar minn 1,000 ruħ attendew għall-avveniment, inklużi klabbs tal-futbol internazzjonali kif ukoll kumpaniji tal-mużika, divertiment, reklamar, u industrija.

Viżti: 30173

Irreġistra għall-biljetti jew kabini

Jekk jogħġbok irreġistra fuq il-websajt uffiċjali tal-Merchandising Messe Hamburg

Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Hamburg - Volksparkstadion, Hamburg, il-Ġermanja Hamburg - Volksparkstadion, Hamburg, il-Ġermanja


800 Karattri xellug