
Fiera Internazzjonali tal-Għamara Kontemporanja 2024

Fiera Internazzjonali tal-Għamara Kontemporanja
From May 19, 2024 until May 21, 2024
New York - Javits Center, New York, l-Istati Uniti
914-421-3374 ; 914-421-3239
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)


Register for ICFF 2024. ICFF announces its 2024 talks schedule. Norway: International Spotlight. Tri-Lox Recycles old wood. Designtex reinvents the custom-design process. TRAME's Designs Unite Algorithms and Artistry. Lee Broom talks about Craft, Creativity and Conquering The U.S. Market. ICFF Manhattan Highlights for 2023. Learn more about Morris Adjmi - ICFF 2023 Designer of The Year.

ICFF NewsttttttIrreġistra għall-ICFF 2024Ingħaqad magħna fil-35 edizzjoni, fejn ser niżvelaw l-approċċ kuraġġuż tagħna biex trawwem in-negozju u l-konnessjoni... Tgħallem aktar.

Join us at the 35th edition, where we'll unveil our bold approach to fostering business and connections in the region.

ICFF NewsICFF Announces its 2024 Talks scheduleThe ICFF Talks will be held from May 19-21, with keynote speakers including design alchemists Lindsey Adelman and Lee Broom. Minjae Kim and Neri & Hu also featured. Learn more.

The ICFF Talks will be held from May 19-21, with keynote speakers including design alchemists Lindsey Adelman and Lee Broom.

Brand SpotlightNorway International SpotlightNorwegians don't like to talk about themselves. Instead, they prefer that their products do the talking, with their quiet sophistication and sustainable designs. Learn more.

Norwegians don't like to talk about themselves, so they prefer that their products, with their quiet sophistication and sustainable designs, do the talking.

Designer ProfilettttttRobert SukrachandFurniture and lighting designers' practice is a dialog between craft disciplines and cultural histories. Learn more.

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Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

New York - Javits Center, New York, l-Istati Uniti New York - Javits Center, New York, l-Istati Uniti


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