
Asia Pacific Rail Expo

Asia Pacific Rail Expo
From May 11, 2022 until May 12, 2022
Бангкок - BiTEC | Меѓународен трговски и изложбен центар во Бангкок, Тајланд
+ 65 6322 2726
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Иднината на железницата во Азија | Азиско -пацифичка железница 2022 година 11 - 12 мај 2022 година

IN-PERSON INDUSTRY REUNION TO HELP ASIA'S RAIL OPERATORS AND AUTHORITIES. The Most Important In-Person Rail Event of 2022. More than 80 speakers from Asian railway operators and transport authorities. Ling Fang is the President Asia-Pacific of Alstom Group. TC Chew is Director, Global Rail Business Leader at Arup. Sara Cheung, Managing Director, Asia Era One. Alvin Gee is Deputy Managing Director - Administration, Bangkok Expressway & Metro.

Во изминатите 18 месеци, очекувањата, однесувањата и барањата на патниците се променија. Железничките оператори и властите ги фокусираа своите напори на обезбедување безбедно искуство за патниците, поддршка на железничката трансформација и обезбедување одржливо железничко претпријатие. Азија Пацифик железница 2022 година ќе ги собере регионалните железнички лидери за да разговараат за идната железница во Азија.

Настанот, кој ќе се одржи во Бангкок, Тајланд, ќе покаже како операторите иновираат и ги трансформираат своите операции, патувања и процеси со цел да останат на вистинскиот пат.

Дојдете придружете ни се од 11 до 12 мај 2022 година за дискусија со врвните раководители на железницата во Азија и да се поврзете со индустријата.

Иднината на железницата во Азија | Азиско -пацифичка железница 2022 година 11 - 12 мај 2022 година

The Future of Rail in Asia. Digital transformation in Asian Railways. More than 100 speakers from Asian railway operators and transport authorities. Meet some of our 2022 speakers. Chong Kheng Chua is the Deputy Chief Executive, Infrastructure and Development, Land Transport Authority Singapore. Pichet Kunadhamraks is the Deputy Director General of Department of Rail Transport at Ministry of Transport in Thailand. 5 tracks dedicated to the conference.

In the past 18 months, passenger expectations, behaviours and demands have changed. Railway operators and authorities have been refocusing their efforts to meet changing passenger demands, expectations, and behaviours. They are now aiming to provide a safe experience for passengers, support rail transformation, and ensure a sustainable railway business. Asia Pacific Rail 2022 will bring together regional rail leaders to discuss the future rail in Asia.

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Asia Pacific is the most exciting rail market in the world

With 40,000+ kilometers of rail projects either planned or under construction, Asia Pacific is the most exciting rail market in the world. But whilst it is a land of opportunity, for those projects already operating, there are also challenges.

Over the last 21 years, Asia Pacific Rail has brought together more than 22,000 rail leaders from across the globe for the most exclusive and influential railway gathering in the region.  was our biggest event ever, with 4 premium tracks of content, over 150 speakers (our largest ever faculty), 70+ sponsors and exhibitors and 2,000+ attendees.

But the industry is also changing as we enter a new digital era. So as Asia Pacific Rail enters its 22nd year, we’re making some changes too. We’re bringing you more rail operators, more content, more exhibitors, more networking and above all, more opportunities for you to do business.

Visionary keynotes will lay the foundations for two days of intensive learning, discussion, and networking. Leading C-Level executives will share case studies from around the world, ensuring you can learn from the best of the best.

Plus, we’ve got a busy exhibition floor, packed full of networking opportunities, on-floor presentations across multiple seminar theatres, product demonstrations and more.

Our premium conference will bring more operator, authority and technology partner insights than ever before, covering the latest innovations in signalling & communications, asset management, passenger experience, rolling stock and new rail projects across the region.

Whether you’re a railway operator, railway authority or a solution provider to the global railway industry,  join us in Hong Kong in March as we lay the foundations for Asia Pacific’s rail future.

Посети: 19036

Регистрирајте се за билети или штандови

Please register at the official website of Asia Pacific Rail Expo

Карта на место и хотели наоколу

Бангкок - BiTEC | Меѓународен трговски и изложбен центар во Бангкок, Тајланд Бангкок - BiTEC | Меѓународен трговски и изложбен центар во Бангкок, Тајланд


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