
Hong Kong Janariaren Jaialdia 2024

Hong Kong Food Festival
From December 25, 2024 until December 28, 2024
Hong Kong - Hong Kongeko Konbentzio eta Erakusketa Zentroa, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
+ 852 2591 9823
(Mesedez, egiaztatu beheko gune ofizialean datak eta kokalekuak joan aurretik.)

Hong Kong Food Festival



Media Coverage.

Tasty treat zones.

Tasty Food Of Japan Korea Taiwan and Local Snacks Zone.

International Gourmet, Wine, Coffee & Dessert Zone.

CNY Food, Daily Essentials & Quality Dried Seafood Zone.

The 22nd Hong Kong Food Festival will be held for five days in the Hall 3 of Hong Kong Convention and Exhibitions Centre. The 22nd Hong Kong Food Festival will take place for 5 days at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibitions Centre, Hall 3. There will be many activities on site including the "Take Your Prize Home Grand Lucky Draw" to win large prizes. Join us to celebrate the festival with your friends, family and yourself!

Date : 25 - 29 December 2024.

Opening Hours: 25-28 Dec. 10:00 to 08:00pm

29 December - 10:00am to 07:00pm.

Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center Hall 3,.

3 urtetik beherako haurrak doan dira. 65 urte edo gehiagoko adinekoek adinekoen txartela aurkeztu beharko dute.

Purchase admission tickets at the HKCEC Ticketing counter during the expo. (counter closes 30 minutes before the expo ends every day).

*Sarrera egunero ixteko ordua baino 15 minutu lehenago gelditzen da.

*Can visit concurrent expos such as the 22nd Hong Kong mega Showcase, 24th Hong Kong Homex2024 and Auto HK.

Copyright (c). 2024 Hongkong Asia Exhibition (Holdings Ltd.) Eskubide guztiak erreserbatuta.

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Mesedez, erregistratu Hong Kong Food Festival-en webgune ofizialean

Lekuen mapa eta hotelak inguruan

Hong Kong - Hong Kongeko Konbentzio eta Erakusketa Zentroa, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Hong Kong - Hong Kongeko Konbentzio eta Erakusketa Zentroa, Hong Kong, Hong Kong


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