
Frontend next edition date updated

From February 27, 2025 until March 02, 2025
At Laisvės pr. 5, 04215, Vilniaus m., Vilniaus m. sav., Vilniaus apskr. Categories: Educational Services

VILNIAUS KNYGŲ MUGĖ 2023 | Litexpo.lt

We are always looking for volunteers. Please fill out this electronic registration form before February 10th. Join the Hall of Young Readers as a volunteer! Register by clicking here before February 12. Free rides on the Arkikatedra - Litexo route are available during the fair. Here is the schedule. Trafi and judu.lt have more information.

February 23, 10.00 - 19.30February 24, 10.00-21.00February 25, 10.00-21.0026 February 10.00-17.00.

Freedom in the 21st Century is not something that we can take for granted. It's an aspiration. What is her appearance? What is the cost of freedom? Can it be written down? Can it be written? Vilnius creates its own history, and also creates a poem to the fate, for each relationship, text created, or traveled path. Forever Young Vilnius writes a poem for every passerby - an open letter to the world about creativity, self-expression, growth, and the love of freedom that never ends.

The 2023 Vilnius Book Fair will be colorful and festive, and it will emphasize our foundations as an independent society. We will all think together about the future of Vilnius and Lithuania, and we will celebrate the anniversary of Vilnius. We will also discuss with the authors and creators.

Friends Day – Thursday On Valentine's Day librarians are welcome to visit the fair free of charge!* Only if you have a librarian certificate.

Join us at the Vilnius Book Fair to write 700 lines of freedom together!