
Frontend next edition date updated

From September 25, 2024 until September 26, 2024

開催概要 | OGBS

All the largest stamp businesses, wear prints, original and SP goods, merchandise, & manufacturing equipment in Japan are gathered at one place. Overview of the Order Goods Business Show 2023

Japan's retail sector is expanding due to the social changes and advancements in manufacturing equipment. We can't survive without moving away from old-fashioned speciality stores that only sell stationery and business card and evolving into a more diverse business format.
In recent years, the consumer has become more oriented towards original products that they "only want for themselves" and are "not available anywhere else." The demand for original, small-lot goods is expected continue to increase.
It is also a survival strategy to become a "order-goods business shop", which handles a variety of things, such as printing shops, DPE, custom stamp shops etc. It's an opportunity for business.

The exhibition that was first held in 1981 was originally called the "Seal Fair". In 2001, it was renamed "Order Goods Business Show", and now includes printing, signboards laser processing, and photography. In 2009, the "Wear Fair" took place at the same time as the general processing business fair, which covered a broad range of products. T-shirt embroidery and printing businesses were added to the group. From 2013, the "Order Goods Business Show", a multifaceted exhibition that integrates the general processing and SP goods, will be the new name for the show.
The Made-to-Order Goods Business Show will feature manufacturers and dealers in the processing industry. We hope to provide visitors with new business ideas and tips for expanding their businesses.