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From July 15, 2025 until July 18, 2025
At Rua Quinze de Novembro 336, Glória, Joinville, Santa Catarina, 89216-203 Categories: Engineering Sector Tags: Loading Equipment, Mechanical

Intermach - Feira de Máquinas, Automação e Serviços p/ a Indústria Mecânica

The Mechanics Fair is a platform that encourages market advancement. Knowledge platform for the Mechanical Industry. Your products will be showcased in the best possible way. Search Products and Services. Intermach is committed to the development of the industry. Topfer displays Material Handling Equipment and Lifting Devices at Intermach.

The Fair is held in the same industrial area every two years since 1997, making it one of the largest Latin American fairs. The Fair is a manufacturing center, with companies from all industries visiting the Fair to improve their production processes.

The Fair, a captive event that is on the agendas of large company executives in the region, is an inducer for business, disseminating to the entire southern Brazil the most advanced technology in the world, as well as other states and nations who visit the Fair each edition.

Intermach, a leading industrial company, has been guiding the industry's transformation for 24 years.

The diversity of the visitors allows the technology displayed at the Fair to be disseminated across the entire industry. Workshops, seminars, conferences, meetings, championships, and business roundtables are all part of the Fair, and they promote discussion and encourage the use of new technologies across various sectors.

Intermach brings the most innovative technologies to an audience who invests in cutting-edge technology.