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Abilities Expo New York Metro | The Event for People with Disabilities

Parents and caregivers. Inclusive recreation. Disability Products Ask the Ambassadors Calling all writers New York Metro Expo. Ft. Lauderdale Expo. Abilities Expo has it all for the Disability Community. Latest Tech & Disability Products. Informative Workshops. Events and features that are interactive. Expo experiences you can't miss. Meet the Star of New TV Series "Just Hands: for the Love of Racing".

Stories and information that will be useful to the Community.

Modern technology that enhances your life.

Inspirational stories of people who overcame challenges to achieve greatness.

From high-tech gadgets to smart daily living aids, we have them all.

Latest news on education, policies and perspectives.

The disability community is full of ambassadors who represent the abilities. They are leaders in the disability community, including writers, artists and entrepreneurs. Veterans, athletes, celebrities and parents of special needs children also make up this group.

We want to know your story! You could write an article about the topics featured on the left. You could give valuable advice based on your vast experience. You can convey your story in words, videos or images. It could be entertaining or serious. You just have to tell your story.

Find out about the latest technology, dance, sports and service animals!

Innovative products, fun and education can help bridge the gap between people with disabilities and those who are able-bodied.